• Post category:Mototripping
  • Reading time:6 mins read
You are currently viewing 🇸🇰 Slovakia

Mountains, autumn colors, pine trees, curvy roads, and glacier lakes – is this all even real? Or am I living a dream? When you are so overwhelmed by emotions that you nearly cry. When you refuse to ride fast because you can’t help but look around all the time.

Sunshine, sunsets, 20 degrees, riding, hiking, happiness is real!

Thank you for all of this Slovakia!

And then people! I’ve met the kindest, open, curious, genuine people. My host who didn’t accept money when I decided to stay for an extra night as it was raining a lot and wasn’t safe to ride. The waitress girl who came back to the restaurant after opening hours to give me back my iPhone that I (being really tired and probably also a bit stupid) had left there. The people at random shops trying to find white spirit for me. The guy on the road giving me thumbs up for the Russian number plate. And many more. Thank you! Moments like these don’t appear on photos, but stay in my heart forever, that’s for sure.

GoPro footage:

15. Białka Tatrzańska 🏍 Žiar (via Strbske Pleso, Zuberec, Spis castle)

Sunshine, summer, mountains!

124 km from one village to another (and probably about 400km of curves around the High Tatras). And the trip to the castle.

I was looking so much forward to editing this video thinking of all the awesome moments I experienced while riding. And you know what? GoPro doesn’t show even 5% of the true beauty of this place. Seriously. You’ve got to go and see it for yourself!

I just couldn’t stop riding, couldn’t stop saying “is this real?”, kept doubting I was on planet earth, or alive at all.

I didn’t want to go fast, I was riding like a grandma, but I was loving every second of it, looking around, breathing it all in.

And then there was this motorbike which was about to overtake me on a roundabout, and he slowed down to ride next to me, and he was saying something and showing thumbs up. First I thought he was complimenting my driving skills, but let’s be honest, he was just surprised to see a Russian number plate 😅

16. Žiar 🏍 Budapest (via Vikolinec & Eszergom)

I’ve rediscovered the “connect the dots” game! When planning the route I put random points of interest on the map, then add some roads which are worth riding on a motorbike, select “avoid tolls and highways” and try to reach the destination before sunset (which I pretty much never succeed at 😅).

Such an awesome ride it was🔥