Hello there! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m Aleona, and I travel by motorcycle.

Three years ago I took a license test, bought a bike and set off on a crazy adventure having absolutely no idea what I was signing up for. Since then, I have done more than 70.000 km across 34 countries.

I rode the Baltic states, zigzagged through the Balkans, and spent the first winter exploring the curvy roads of Valencia region in Spain. Got to ride gravel roads in Georgia, Armenia, and Turkey. Feeling that I was ready for a greater challenge, I went for Africa. On a Honda Hornet. Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia. Whatever skills it required, I was learning them on the go, riding rocky trails in High Atlas, getting stuck in the sands of Sahara, falling, getting up, digging my motorbike out of sand and mud, solving technical issues, looking for help, meeting the kindest people, and riding on.

Follow my adventures on YouTube and Instagram:

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