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  • Reading time:4 mins read
You are currently viewing 🇪🇪 Estonia

In and out of Estonia in less than 4 days, driving from Narva through Tartu down to Latvia. I cheated and took a day trip by train from Tartu to Tallinn and back.

I really loved Estonia, for its perfect asphalt, beautiful scenery, cute buildings, for preserving traditions and modernizing what needs a breath of fresh air, for delicious smoked fish, and for the kind people I met.

There was one night when I got locked out and a girl I had only met once let me into her home for the night. As I thanked her she looked at me and said “It’s nothing, if you were me, wouldn’t you do the same?”

I know there is so much more to see and explore in Estonia and I really wish I could stay longer! But I checked the weather forecast and decided to move on before it gets too cold to ride.

Estonia you have my heart and I hope to come back soon!

Estonia step by step:

8. St.Petersburg 🏍 Narva

I chose to take the longer road to the border and enjoy a bit more of the Russian before leaving the country. Border crossing was pretty fast and easy and my friend Heiki was meeting me on the other side! This whole thing feels surreal, my baby bee and I made it across the border.

2359km since I left Togliatti.

9. Narva 🏍 Tartu

Riding through Estonia is quite different to riding through Russia. 200km takes you halfway across the country but there are so many places to check out that it takes a full day.

The further you get from the border the less it looks like Russia and the more it starts to remind me of Denmark.