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You are currently viewing 🇭🇺 Hungary

Summer vibes riding around lake Balaton, sunset watching while swimming in the thermal waters of lake Heviz, walking around the gorgeous Budapest, learning about its history both beautiful and tragic, relaxing every cell of my body in the Szechenyi spa, a magic boat tour through the caves of Tapolca, and watching Budapest by night from the top of the Gillert hill.

And the priceless time spent with my friends.

And the kindness of the motorcycle mechanic, who spent over two hours checking the 🐝 adjusting everything that needed to be adjusted. He didn’t speak any English but we had a great conversation nonetheless. I would use Google Translate and he would draw on a piece of paper. He asked how long it took me to get from Russia to Hungary, I said 1.5 months, he smiled and drew a snail 😄. And in the end he wished me safe travels and refused to take the money.

On the other hand..

Many times I had a feeling that stuff in restaurants, shops, hotels, etc couldn’t care less about you, actually on the contrary, it really feels like you as a client disturb and distract them from something important.

Everything I passed by between Budapest and Balaton, and then from Balaton to Slovenian border, didn’t seem to be worth taking a closer look at, no cozy towns, no cute houses, no beautiful landscapes, not even cows with hills in the background. Want something beautiful – go to Budapest (or Balaton) and stay there.

Maybe I’m too harsh. Maybe my expectations were too high (after Slovakia). Maybe I was unlucky with some of the experiences.

I’m just really glad there were so so many beautiful happy moments, that I nearly forgot about the rest ☺️

Do you think one should focus on the good things only? Or is it best to show and remember the full picture no matter how good/bad it is?

From the GoPro:

16. Žiar 🏍 Budapest (arriving to Hungary, via Esztergom)

I’ve rediscovered the “connect the dots” game! When planning the route I put random points of interest on the map, then add some roads which are worth riding on a motorbike, select “avoid tolls and highways” and try to reach the destination before sunset (which I pretty much never succeed at 😅).

Such an awesome ride it was🔥

17. Budapest 🏍 Balaton (round trip via Bory Castle, Heviz thermal lake, Tapolca, Tihany, Balatonakarattya)

What an adventure! Two days full of riding and exploration 🤙

And although I had a few hiccups with accommodation, food, and strange people… it was an amazing trip!

Even unlocked a couple of new experiences:
– got to swim in the largest thermal lake on earth (Heviz)
– took a boat through an underground cave (Tapolca)

Riding with my 🐝 by the gorgeous Balaton lake at 20+ degrees and sunshine!

Celebrating life and summer 🔥

18. Budapest 🏍 Gospić (leaving Hungary)

A two-days ride from Hungary to Croatia chasing the good weather. And an overnight stay in Slovenia before getting to ride the curvy mountain roads and enjoy the amazing landscapes.